Friday, December 28, 2012

The "A" Word - Yes, Abortion.

I try to remain politically neutral for a variety of reasons. One - I like to keep an open mind. Two - in most cases, different candidates have varying philosophies regardless of the party platform. Three - I grew up with staunch democrats (educators!), but my parents always encouraged me to think for myself. What I have noted over time is that this "make up your own mind" mentality seems to be more prevalent with democrats than with republicans - interesting. But I digress...

There is one major party platform issue that I cannot waiver on my stance: Roe v. Wade and/or any legislation created or amendments added that make abortion illegal. But it's not for the reasons you may think... Of course, as a woman, I object to middle aged men (or older - let's look at our presidential history, y'all!) telling me what I can and cannot do with my body. But yes, I do understand the thought that life begins at conception. I certainly do not think that abortion (or even the morning after pill) should be used as a birth control method. Those who have done so have given the term "abortion" the extremely negative connotation it has acquired. I have never personally had an abortion, but I do know a couple of women who have. In both cases, it was the right decision for all involved.

There are so many contradictories that both parties have. Democrats are pro-choice, yet oppose the death penalty; Republicans are pro-life, but endorse the death penalty. Democrats want stiffer gun laws in place; Republicans are NRA-friendly and think we should all have the right to bear arms. The rationale is most often that even if it were illegal, people would still obtain guns just like they obtain drugs today. So who is right? Who is wrong? Who should decide that?

The main reason I oppose laws that limit or prohibit abortion are because of what would happen if that were the case. Similar to the logic that if guns were illegal, people would still obtain them; if abortions were illegal, women would still find a way. And it would be at extreme health risk, so not only would an embryo or fetus or whatever stage/term used be terminated, but the girl or woman having the back-alley abortion would be at extreme risk of the same fate.

So no matter what party you affiliate yourself with, I don't think anyone has the answer. This clip made me laugh in the way that it posed the abortion issue; hope it lightens this post up for you as well. (Sorry conservatives - it's from The Daily Show - but you have to admit it's still funny!) :)

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